Dramatic Duckling Rescue!
Wow, what can I say about today?! Mindy was driving through the neighborhood and spotted some precious baby ducklings with their mamma walking across the street. She slowed down to get some video but quickly realized something was wrong. The mama duck was near a sewer grate quacking and Mindy could hear the loud sound of baby ducklings chirping. She immediately jumped out of the car to see where the sound was coming from and to her amazement she discovered 12 ducklings had fallen through the grate and into the drainage pipes!!
She called the City to see what could be done to access the storm drains. She knew she had to act fast before the ducklings wandered off into the miles of pipes under the street. Employing the service of an amazing neighborhood, she lifted the heavy metal grate from off the sewer and JUMPED IN!! Armed with only a pair of salad tongs she went to work. Using the tongs like Mr. Miyagi uses chopsticks, she snatched the ducklings one by one from the sewer and returned them to their mother and duckling siblings! All of this was miraculously caught on GoPro cameras.
What an incredible story and amazing neighborhood that all pitched in to bring this ducky dozen to safety! #ThisIsHowWeBingham
that vid was amazing
You guys are so kind and loving to everyone
You have a lovely family